Antiseptic Healing Cream


Antiseptic Healing Cream
Sudocream's Antiseptic Healing Cream is an antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic cream designed to help treat skin conditions of various kinds. The Product is not vegan but because of ingredients like Zink and oxide and benzyl alcohol, it is said to be effective for getting rid of spots. Also, it generally helps against acne showing visible before and after effects.

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5 months ago


Multi use 

I use this on absolutely everything, for nappy rash on the kids to my own cuts and scrapes or irritations. Soft on all skin types and perfect for relieving allergic reactions on the skin or healing cuts scrapes and burns can always rely on sudocrem to help 



7 months ago



this product is amazing for acne. if you have a new coming spot put sudocrem on it for a few hours or over night and it dries your spot up or makes it ready for popping. its a great product when you need a spot gone very quickly. i used it the day of my prom and my two spots were gone 5 hours later.



8 months ago


What do people use this for apart from babies

Use sudocream on your spots/pimples everyday. Majority of the time I believe it works. Does make your skin clearer because it dries up your spots. You have to really rub it into your face as it can leave a slight whitish/grey colour on your skin. Best time to apply is at night time