AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution


AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution
The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution is a highly concentrated acid peel designed to renew the skin's surface and also work inside the pores. The product should smooth wrinkles, prevent them in the long run, and contribute to a brighter and clearer complexion overall. Reviews also state that the peel works well on sensitive skin, hyperpigmentation and acne scars and produces very fast and visible results.

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6 months ago


Harsh, but can work 

The product is too harsh and doesn’t always have that wow blemish-free after effect one might be looking for. It does remove some pore blockage but anything that feels that uncomfortable on skin can’t be naturally good. Don’t recommend for sensitive skin, but it’s great if you’re looking for whatever sh*t works. 



7 months ago

Not bad

This product made my skin super extra glowy after using the product just once. There was also no breakouts after usage. Would highly recomend for those with blackheads and whiteheads for clearing up congested pores. Does not smell like anything so thats a plus for me



9 months ago


Alive and awake

This product is so good to use to freshen up your face. It always leaves me with smooth and non textured skin. It does tingle (especially if you aren’t used to using this product so be careful) but definitely useful to have if you are looking for brighter skin.  I would recommend putting this on with a face mask tool and putting it on that rather than directly on your face and spreading a thin layer evenly. Too much can damage your skin. Put on for approx 10 mins and rinse off with cool or luke warm water.