Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is We Are Eves?
Welcome to We Are Eves, the first beauty platform with the most reliable, independent product reviews. This is a place where you and others can share honest reviews and tips about all cosmetic-related products. Positive reviews but also negative comments are more than welcome. We Are Eves is THE platform for all your cosmetics questions about beauty products, beauty tips, purchases, and honest reviews.
2. Who is We Are Eves for?
We Are Eves is for everyone who loves great, effective products. Whether you are great at beauty hacks, or someone who has found the perfect day cream... Everyone (with an honest opinion) is welcome.
3. What is a Shelfie and what does it involve?
On your Shelfie (a.k.a digital beauty shelf), you place the products that you like to use. You will receive targeted offers for the products that are on your Shelfie. These could be products that you already use or items on your wishlist. In other words, it’s worthwhile filling up your Shelfie.
4. How do I write a review?
On your screen, you will see a large button with a plus sign. If you click on this, you can share an honest review, tip or questions. Have your written an honest product review? Provide a star rating (1 to 5 stars), add a photo to your post and don’t forget to tag the product.
5. I can’t find the product I’m looking for, what now?
Go to the menu (three lines, top right) and click on ‘all products’. Enter the product’s name or brand name in the search bar. Can’t find the product you’re looking for? Click on ‘product not found’. Complete the short form and we will add your request to We Are Eves within a maximum of 5 working days.
6. What is a cosmetic tester?
A cosmetic tester is an Eves member who tests cosmetic products in exchange for a honest review. This could be anything; from skincare from well-known and unknown beauty brands, to hair care and make-up. The good news: everyone can register and that includes you (see point 10).
7. How can I become a cosmetic tester?
Click on the menu (top right), here you will find a ‘Testers required’ heading. You will then see a page with a short outline of the cosmetic testing programme. You will also see a registration form. Once you have accurately completed this form, we will review your application and you will receive a response.
8. I want to change my account/shelfie, how do I do that?
Do you wish to change your product preferences, username or something else? No problem. If you go to your Shelfie, you will see a pencil on the top right-hand side of the screen; you can use this to change your details. Don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ once you’ve made the changes.(Want to change your email address? You must send a request to
9. Can I place sponsored posts or collabs reviews for brands I work with on We Are Eves?
No, in order to keep our reviews as honest as possible, we do not permit posts that are sponsored by or promote a business or where people are paid to write a positive review. If you see a post on We Are Eves that you think is promoted, click on the hand next to the post and report it to us. We will then take the appropriate action, if necessary. Until then, the post will not be visible to the community.
10. How can I receive products to test?
See points 9 and 10...
11. Not received an email after registration?
First of all, check your spam mail. If the email is not with your spam, something may have gone wrong and you may have to register again.
12. Can I also order products via the platform?
Have the honest reviews made you enthusiastic about a product? There is a ‘shop now’ button next to each product. If you click on this, you will be linked to the product page for that specific item via a verified vendor.
13. Why do you work with brands? And how does this work?
On We Are Eves, we match cosmetics with fans. This means we can share the latest updates with our community, give testers the best chance to receive relevant products, and ensure that our members receive personalized offers for the brands they love.
14. What is a branded Shelfie
A branded Shelfie is the digital beauty shelf for a brand. You can find all the relevant cosmetic products from this brand on their shelf. If you follow a branded Shelfie, you will stay up to date with everything they post. This could include latest updates and offers.
15. What happens to my data?
When you become a member, we ask you to agree with the Privacy Policy and the Terms & Conditions. These set out precisely what we do (and don’t do) with your data.
16. Are you a brand or would you like to ask about collaboration?
Let’s get in touch! Mail us: Is something unclear or have we forgotten to explain something? Please contact us using the ‘contact’ heading in the menu. Happy to help!