


Gel primer base en topcoat

€ 11.99
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€ 11.99
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over 3 years ago


Top product

I've been using Sensationail for years. You'd think your nails get thinner because I almost always wear this nail polish, but that's really not true. My nails are longer, stronger and healthier. This is partly because I use the primer and base coat. This protects your nails from yellowing. The paint stays well for 2 to 3 weeks. Many colours to choose from.

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last reacted to over 3 years ago

SensationAil Gel Polish

Gel polish by SensationAil. Hi 🙋🏼‍♀️ I bought this gel lacquer from the Etos, which of course is very nice because it's close to everyone! The SensationAil essential kit containing the gel primer and the base & top coat costs €19.99. A tan costs €14.99 per bottle. The gel lacquer can be used under a UV lamp that makes the varnish harden on the nails. This applies to the base & topcoat. The colour lacquer does not dry under the lamp, you need to put a layer of topcoat on it. The paint will last for up to 2 weeks, and they sell a lot of different colours, which is of course very nice! A different color on the nails for every occasion. I think the color “Pink pawn rose rosat” is a very nice color! This is a light pink against the nude fitting color. 💅🏽 I love this product and am extremely satisfied with it! 💖 Xoxo

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



over 3 years ago

@ [anaelanke82] (anaelanke82) I have a gel cleanser and a removal tool from the same brand. This allows the gel polish to be removed. However, I always do it the bad way myself... 🙈 After 2 weeks, the nail polish loosens at the edges, and if I push my nail underneath, causing air between the nail and the polish, you can “scratch” the nail polish off in no time.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 

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