


Immediate Addiction - body butter

Our member reviews(1)

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last reacted to over 4 years ago


Finally a review of me about this product 😅 I had received a trial jar which I finally brought on vacation to test. Only downside: I forgot about the spatula... but nails work too 🙈 But seriously, what a nice product! The substance is odd, but it transforms into a deliciously creamy product in your hand. The scent is delicious too. I read that a lot of girls find him too predominant, but I don't think that. After use, my skin was wrapped in a delicious oil-ested layer for the rest of the day.

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last reacted to over 4 years ago

Here as promised my review of @[Tiindi 100% raw, 0% fake](Tiindi 100% raw, 0% fake) 😊 product. Super excited about the package, again a lot of fun packed. As I said, I smelled the potty and thought.. hmmm very strong smell.. but soon I found a comparative smell.. namely one from the sauna. Getting used to the smell and confess that after several lubrication times I found it more and more delicious. Unfortunately, I am not excited about the effect on my skin of the product myself. It's too oily for my skin and makes sure my skin doesn't look better. Personally, I don't like a body cream that you have to look out that it doesn't get on your clothes afterwards. It's like coconut oil on your skin when it's “melted”. Again, fragrance top, packaging top, but for my skin this product doesn't do much.

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over 4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! <3

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last reacted to over 4 years ago

Testing Tiindi! 🌱 The body butter is packed in a special glass jar that ensures a good shelf life of the products and protection against UV light. It looks luxury and the fun part is that you can reuse it! When you open the jar, a strong spicy scent is released. The butter lives up to its name because it really feels like butter. I scrape it out with the spatula and warm it up according to the instructions by rubbing it in my hands. As you can see in the picture, this leaves an oily layer that I spread over my body. The product is very economical to use, because I only use a small spatula per part of the body. Benefits: * The butter feels rich on your skin, my skin has never felt so soft! * 100% raw bio shea butter, the more pure the better! * Eco-friendly packaging Disadvantages: * The smell is too heavy and intense for me. After I smear myself from head to toe, the fragrance lingers for a long time. * A 200ml jar of bodybutter costs €39.95, this should fit your budget! The body butter feels wonderfully rich and nourishing on my skin. My skin is just as soft at the end of the day, I don't have this more with bodybutters! I also love Tiindi's philosophy! You notice that there is a lot of attention and love in these products and I think that's definitely worth the money! However, this fragrance is not for me and therefore I will not buy this product myself. On their website I came across another body butter; 'Tender'. I would like to order this one (and the face creams and rose mist and facial oil and more, haha!) Thank you @[Tiindi 100% raw, 0% fake](Tiindi 100% raw, 0% fake) so much for getting to know your brand! ❤️

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over 4 years ago

What a joy to read this Eileen! <3

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