Shine Brown Premium Tanning Cream

€ 19.90
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Shine Brown Premium Tanning Cream
€ 19.90

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about 1 year ago


Beste Middel om Bruin te Worden

I've been using this product for two years now and it makes me super brown!! Make sure you have created enough pigment beforehand so you don't burn alive.. I've been using this product for two years now and it makes it super brown!! Make sure you've created enough pigment beforehand so you don't burn alive... I've been using a bottle for 1.5 years now and I think it's really great stuff! #botaniqLuxeBox.

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about 1 year ago


Super nice brown!

I'm a total fan! If you burn quickly, it is wise to apply SPF first. After an hour in the sun, a really nice color difference! It smells great but it's a bit like watching out with wasps because of the sweet scent they could get away.

Translated from Dutch by AWS 



about 1 year ago


By rokko shine brown tanning crème

I saw this on instagram. I thought I should try that, I have a very hard time getting brown and always staying white. So I thought I should have this one. The stuff is really greasy and you have to apply it with your hands so keep in mind that you stick. But in the end, if you lubricate it consistently, it really makes it a lot easier to tan. So definitely recommended. The only disadvantage was that you were really fat... and on a beach so all the sand sticks to you.. a new version is now out that I want to try! Note that this is not a self-tanner, just a type of booster. #MerodaSpring

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